Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ugh! What a day...


I have reached my limit. I feel completely over worked and over whelmed with the things going on right now......

Why is it so hard to do things bit by bit? Why must I feel as thought I have to do everything with the all or nothing mentality? I have lost my big girl panties. Usually I would just pull them up and get to work. I just don't feel like I am able to do that.

I wish DS3 would just #2 on the potty already. Cleaning up the carpet and the walls has gotten to be a pain in the kiester now. Not sure what it will take to get him motivated. Maybe he'll find his motivation when I find mine.

It's hard to be there for everyone when you're thinking of all that you should/could be doing instead.

Tonight's goal before bed:

say I love you to the boys and shine the sink.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bucket List

So last weekend went well! I got the house company ready by bedtime on Saturday. I got internet installed on Sunday morning. Hot spots cleaned up and toys mostly picked up. So this weekends list is.....

Play area sorted and picked up.
Paper cabinet sorted
Stash and dash hiding spot emptied
Paint stairs and play area
Paint bedroom
Find home for scrap-booking supplies
Entry closet organized for winter gear

Wish me luck I'm going to get started early and see how much I can accomplish before PPF!

Have a great day!